Anvali - Choodi Pooja Wildflower - Chudi Pooja Herbs And Flowers


Reinwardt's Tree Plant
Reinwardt's Tree Plant
Konkani Name- Anvali
Common Name-  Reinwardt's Tree Plant
Scientific Name- Biophytum Reinwardtii
Reinwardt's Tree Plant
Reinwardt's Tree Plant

Reinwardt's Tree Plant is an annual herb which looks like a miniature tree. It is closely related to the Little Tree Plant, Biophytum sensitivum. It is named for Caspar Reinwardt, 19th century Dutch naturalist and biologist. It grows to only 6-12 cm tall, and has erect, hairy stem. Leaves are compound, 5-7 cm long, crowded near the base. Leaflets are oblong, 1 cm long, stalkless, 14-20 pairs. Yellow flowers arise in umbels of 3-7 flowers, at the top, carried on a 5-7 cm long stalk. Reinwardt's Tree Plant is found in IndiaSri LankaChinaMalaysia, and also in the Himalayas, from Garhwal to Nepal, at altitudes up to 1000 m. Flowering: October-December.

Detail video part 3

Medicinal Uses- Used to treat snake bite poisoning,asthma,hypertension.

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