
Cucumber Recipes #4 - Magge Salli Upkari | Stir Fry | Konkani Recipe

Cucumber Recipes #3 - Sprouted Bagde Ambat | Lobia Red Black-eyed | Ambat Konkani Recipe

Stuffed Capsicum Stir Fry | Stuffed Chilly | Peanut Recipe

Marvala Panna Podi | Two in one | Tree Colocasia Fry | Deep and Tawa Fry | Mara Kesuvina Fry | Mara Thevu Fry | Maralva Pana Podi

Easy Recipe - Batate Thovve | Potato Curry | Batate Pejje Upkari | Batate Thoy

Easy Recipe - Kotambari Palle Gojju | Coriander Leaves Chutney | Sweet and Sour